Specialist Speech and Language Therapist

I am a speech and language therapist specialized in the field of paediatric communication and feeding difficulties
I trained in South Africa at the University of Stellenbosch where I qualified as a speech pathologist and audiologist (B. Speech Pathology and Audiology) in 1997. I obtained my Master’s degree in Speech Pathology (MSc Speech Pathology) at the University of Cape Town in 2001.
Since moving to the UK in 2000, I worked in various paediatric community and acute NHS hospital settings throughout London. I currently work at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital on a part time basis as a specialist in paediatric feeding difficulties. I have published research papers and presented at conferences in the UK and Europe on the topic of paediatric feeding and swallowing difficulties.
I set up my private practice 2003. My practice is based at the London Clinic and Cromwell Hospital. I worked closely with general paediatricians, paediatric gastroenterogists, paediatric psychiatrist, developmental paediatrician, nurse specialist (gastroenterology), paediatric dietician and specialist health visitor to provide a comprehensive, multidisciplinary assessment and treatment of communication and feeding difficulties.