- What should i look out for?
- Will my Child grow out of reflux?
- What treatment may help my child or be advised?
- Research
ESPGHAN - European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition.
BSPGHAN – British Society of Pediatric gastroenterology hepatology, and nutrition.
NASPGHAN – North American society for Pediatric gastroenterology hepatology, and nutrition.
www.paediatricgastroenterology.co.uk – Dr Mike Thomson – paediatric gastroenterologist.
Pediatric / Adolescent Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Association (PAGER) – is a non-profit organization that provides information and support to parents and children (infants to teens) dealing with Gastro-oesophageal Reflux (GER) in the USA.
Barrett’s Oesophagus Foundation.
Founded as a charity in 1999, the Barrett’s Oesophagus Foundation is the only national charity dedicated to the prevention of cancer from Barrett’s oesophagus and the support of people living with the disease.
Other useful organisations and websites:
Act Against Allergy
A global interactive website on food allergies, with useful information and interactive tools for parents and Healthcare Professionals providing a medium to share information, assistance and guidance so all families can enjoy a normal life.
Coeliac UK
The Charity for people with coeliac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis
Lactose Intolerance, Milk Allergies, IBS and Food Colors
Providing information, advice and support for families with lactose intolerance.
Your childs health (NHS)
The site covers babies and neonates through to toddlers and teenagers. It covers child health related topics from epilepsy to diabetes, to being left handed to divorce. Your Child’s Health is aimed at parents, patients and doctors.
Millpond Children’s Sleep Clinic
Has a 97% success rate in resolving children’s sleep problems .The techniques that they use are not new or unique to them but well-recognized core techniques that have been fully researched and used by many professionals around the world. However, what distinguishes their approach is that they do not adhere to any one particular technique in a given situation, believing that the solution to a sleep problem must take into account the particular family’s environment, composition, needs and expectations. So they take a tailor-made approach: one that is sympathetic rather than prescriptive and that always has the child at its centre. All of the team at Millpond are qualified health professionals with many years experience helping families solve their children’s sleep problems.
Irish Neonatal Health Alliance (INHA)
A charity which aims to increase awareness of preterm birth, improve pre-conceptual & antenatal education, equitable neonatal care & better long term care for neonates in Ireland.
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