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We are Living with Reflux the UK's Independent Charity

Supporting Families of Children with Gastro-oesophageal Reflux and Reflux Disease

As parents and carers ourselves, we know only too well how stressful and exhausting it can be living with a child with reflux (GOR) everyday – not just for you but for them also. We do understand the battles you face, which is why Living with Reflux charity is here to help and support you.

Understanding Reflux
Understanding Reflux

Gastro-oesophageal Reflux (GOR) and Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD) are different. By definition, GOR is normal, whereas GORD is a disease.

Gastro-oesophageal Reflux (GOR) occurs normally in all infants, children and adults during and immediately after meals. GOR refers to the contents of the stomach washing back up from the stomach into the oesophagus... Read More

Reflux Awareness Month June 2023

In June families of children who have Gastro-oesphageal Reflux and Reflux Disease... Read More


RideLondon is back with a brand new route in 2023, if you would like to ride for children with reflux we are looking for riders to participate on behalf of our charity. Find out more here. Read More

Living with Reflux study day

For current information regarding the Living with Reflux study day.

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